"RETOPEA is a community of researchers who developed educational tools and recommendations to promote peaceful understanding between young people of different religions, spiritualities and worldviews. We started as an international research project funded by the European Commission but continue on a voluntary basis. We analysed how people in the past made religious peace and how religions are represented in our contemporary society. We used this research to make ‘clippings’ that can be used by young people to reflect on their experiences in a multicultural environment and to make ‘docutubes’, short films like vlogs.

On this website you find examples and how to do so. We also wrote recommendations for different policy actors and educators. You can find all this and more on this website."

"It has made me realize and think about religious peace and how my actions can help keep peace."

"Door te filmen en te interviewen leerde ik over religieuze vrede en beter te begrijpen wat andere mensen denken."

"J'ai découvert de nombreuses autres cultures et croyances, j'ai appris beaucoup de choses nouvelles et j'ai découvert l'impact personnel de la religion."

"Проектот РЕТОПЕА ме научи дека во историјата сме имале настани на мир меѓу муслиманите, христијаните и Евреите. Понатаму, научив дека тимската работа и соработката можат да доведат до одлични резултати."

"To była dla nas ogromna frajda i naprawdę dobre doświadczenie. Mieliśmy okazję poznać i zrozumieć różne rzeczy i różnych ludzi."

"Das Projekt hat mich dem Thema Religion und Toleranz näher gebracht und ich finde auch, dass religiöser Frieden sehr wichtig ist, da Religion bei vielen Menschen ein Teil ihres Lebens ist und Konflikte, die aufgrund von Religion entstehen, gut zu vermeiden wären."

"Tänu projektile olen nüüd rohkem huvitatud religioosse sallivuse tundmaõppimisest ja arvan, et hakkan rohkem aega pühendama selle õppimisele."

"Der Prozess [der Erstellung eines Doku-Films] selbst erforderte viel Nachdenken und sich in andere hineinzuversetzen, was bei solchen Themen von entscheidender Bedeutung ist."

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