On the Same Side: Clothing and external signs of identification
The clothing and the external signs of identification are elements of utmost importance depicting the cultural diversity and peaceful religious co-existence of different religious groups in contemporary North Macedonia. In this vein, it is very common to see how the male characters wear metal crosses around their necks, while the women wear scarfs when entering churches or practicing other outdoor religious activities (e.g. praying at home). On the other hand, the Muslim women are covered with headscarves, while the men wear peculiar caps on their heads. Furthermore, the religious leaders are presenting wearing their various uniforms and clothing, as well as external signs of identification such as gowns, crosses, medallions, etc. One of the most important messages conveyed in On the Same Side is that many different religious groups peacefully co-exist together in a small Balkan Country. This atmosphere of prevailing tolerance has contributed towards long-term peace and stability in the state.
Stefanovski b3 – On the Same Side: Clothing and external signs of identification
On the Same Side: Clothing and external signs of identification
The clothing and the external signs of identification are elements of utmost importance depicting the cultural diversity and peaceful religious co-existence of different religious groups in contemporary North Macedonia. In this vein, it is very common to see how the male characters wear metal crosses around their necks, while the women wear scarfs when entering churches or practicing other outdoor religious activities (e.g. praying at home). On the other hand, the Muslim women are covered with headscarves, while the men wear peculiar caps on their heads. Furthermore, the religious leaders are presenting wearing their various uniforms and clothing, as well as external signs of identification such as gowns, crosses, medallions, etc. One of the most important messages conveyed in On the Same Side is that many different religious groups peacefully co-exist together in a small Balkan Country. This atmosphere of prevailing tolerance has contributed towards long-term peace and stability in the state.
How can this rather high level of inter-confessional tolerance be replicated in other regions in Europe?
Temporal Coverage
21st century
Spatial Coverage
Europe, North Macedonia
Is Referenced By
On the Same Side Tv Series
Ivan Stefanovski