The Supposed Martyrdom of the Simon of Trent (polychrome wood carving, 1500-1510, Museo Diocesiano Tridentino) presented at the temporary exhibition ‘Renaissance Speaks Hebrew’ (April-September 2019) at the National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah. This late-medieval sculpture depicts the scene of ritual murder of a Christian child by Jews – such false accusations against Jews circulated within Christian society, both in the medieval period and in the later centuries. They reflect distrust and fear that were effect of alienation and segregation of Jews and Christians.
Trenti Siimoni oletatav märtrisurma (polükroomne puulõige, 1500-1510, Museo Diocesiano Tridentino), mida esitletakse ajutisel näitusel "Renessanss räägib heebrea keeles" (aprill-september 2019) Itaalia rahvuslikus judaismi ja šoahi muuseumis. See hiliskeskaegne skulptuur kujutab kristliku lapse rituaalse mõrva stseeni juutide poolt - sellised valesüüdistused juutide vastu ringlesid kristlikus ühiskonnas nii keskajal kui ka hilisematel sajanditel. Need peegeldavad usaldamatust ja hirmu, mis olid juutide ja kristlaste võõrandumise ja eraldatuse tagajärg.
Jews are forced to wear a distinctive yellow symbol, Modena, 1498, paper register, Archivio di Stato, Modena – presented at display “Renaissance Speaks Hebrew”, MEIS
Tamara Sztyma
Date Created
Museo Nazionale dell’Ebraismo Italiano e della Shoah, Ferrara
Rights Holder
Museo Nazionale dell’Ebraismo Italiano e della Shoah, Ferrara; original in Archivio di Stato, Modena