In the seventeenth century, across Europe as well as in the European colonies, civil authorities (the state) strongly believed that to uphold public order, all citizens should share the same faith. Therefore, they believed it was their duty to ...
‘You may know that I am willing to encourage the hopeful undertaking of my said loyal and loving subjects. I will secure them in the free exercise of all their civil and religious rights. I will preserve unto them that liberty in the true ...
The founder of Rhode Island in North America, Roger Williams, sometimes compared society to a ship, with many different people on board: ‘It happened sometimes, that both papists (Catholics) and Protestants, Jews and Turks (Muslims) may ...
The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (CFREU) was solemnly proclaimed in December 2000 at the Intergovernmental Conference held in Nice, France – the formal procedure of negotiating amendments to the founding treaties of the EU. ...
The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (CFREU) addressed the ‘spiritual and moral heritage’ of the European Community, which is founded upon the ‘indivisible, universal values of human dignity, freedom, equality and ...
In 2011, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights issued a report titled ‘Respect for and protection of persons belonging to minorities 2008-2010’. The report addressed matters related to the principles of non-discrimination and ...
The clothing and the external signs of identification are elements of utmost importance depicting the cultural diversity and peaceful religious co-existence of different religious groups in contemporary North Macedonia. In this vein, it is very ...
In regard to the marriages, funerals, and other ‘rites de passage’, the On the Same Side documentary TV show focuses generally on the customs of the Orthodox Christians and Muslims in contemporary North Macedonia. Apart from the presentation of ...