As one innovative tool to make peace, the conflicting parties agreed in the Westphalian Peace Treaty on a so-called ‘normal year’. During the three decades of the war, many cities and territories of the Empire had repeatedly switched ...
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was a text that laid out general principles. Reason was a guiding motive behind these principles. The declaration allowed continuing to hold religious views of various kinds. However, after ...
The Edict of Nantes allowed the celebration of Protestant worship in most cities in France. However, in Paris, the capital of the kingdom, only Catholic mass was allowed. Paris had long been a centre of opposition against rights for Protestants. The ...
The Edict of Nantes stated that Catholics and Protestants should have separate cemeteries. This separation was important in particular for Catholics who resented sharing their final resting place with Protestants. For them, the bodies of Protestants ...
The Edict of Nantes assigned safe places to Protestants where they could be protected in case of renewed tensions. One of the most important of these was the heavily fortified city of La Rochelle. That city had been a centre of the Protestant forces ...
The Edict of Saint-Germain arranged the places and buildings where Protestants could worship. It also contained many prohibitions. Buildings that Protestants had used, taken or received from Catholics in the previous years had to be given back. In ...